Sunday, January 23, 2011

SnOw AnGelS!!

Snow Day 2011!!!!

its been a year now

I am pretty sure no one is looking at this blog since it has been over a year since I have posted on it. Trip is now 2 and Kellynn is 5 going on 30. Will is in his second term as Mayor and I am now working 2 days a week for Pryor and Morrow. I passed my professional exam FINALLY so now I am a licensed interior designer!!! WOOHOO!! I have been running for about a year now and have completed 3 5K's. Will and I are training for a 10K in Vicksburg and then off to Pensacola for the McGuires 5K. That should feel like cake after the 10K. It started as a way to lose baby weight and then it became an obsession! Well, I can't hold my eyes open any longer! Hope to be back sooner than later!

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Today I am at work, but exhausted because yesterday I had the brilliant idea to go to the waterpark with ALL the kiddos. I am glad we did though; it was a lot of fun. However, 3 moms with 8 kids from ages 10 months to 9 was crazy. I don't know how Jon and Kate did not lose a few every now and then! Oh yeah, they had a stage crew that helped baby sit 24-7.
Sleepy Boy
We had spent the day running errands in Columbus, West Point, and Starkville, and he
was worn out!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Victory 2009!

Well, as most of you know, Will ran for Mayor in our hometown of Louisville, and WON! We have been through 3 elections and had a larger turn out in the general than we did in the primary and run off! Will won with 75% of the vote, which is HUGE! I am so proud of him and I know he is going to do a fantastic job as Mayor. Here are some pictures from the party.

The happy couple!

Johnny serving up some Champagne!

Our dear friend and neighbor, Melanie! She is very excited!

Moma and me checking out the champagne and strawberries!

John and Holly Triplett

Will talking with Judy McLeod and Beverly Combs. Judy is on the board of Alerman.

Lenny Fulton holding Will's sign! Also pictures is his wife Babs who is the City Clerk (far left), Stacy Harrison with WLSM radio and her son Austin.

Lenny, Babs, Mama, and our Pastor, Scott Phillips

Macie, Kyle, and Ashley. They all work at the Bypass and came over after work!

Catching up

My sweet boy! I was just playing around with the camera and came up with this!

And this.

Elanor, Chloe, and Kellynn!

Love Love Love this shot. Early on a Saturday morning, I put a pallet outside for Trip to sit on and Kellynn wanted to sit with him, the lighting is perfect in this and I love how he is looking down.

Fresh out of the tub and ready for bed, but we had to have some fun in the floor first!

Monday, April 13, 2009

Happy Easter!

What a great weekend we have had. It was of course too short. Trip had his first Easter, and Kellynn had the first one she will remember probably. I was off Friday which was nice until Trip had to get his 6 month immunizations(that are a month late). He did not do very well with them at all! He was one fussy baby and ran fever too. Gladly, he is much better now and talking up a storm! It is so hard to leave them every morning. I really hope Will wins the Mayoral race so maybe just maybe we can re-think my work schedule. I would much rather be full-time mom and part-time interior designer!!!!! Well, here are a few little pictures of the weekend. Enjoy!

Sitting looking at what the Easter bunny brought!

Kellynn is a Barbie fanatic! So, she got yet another Barbie and was SOOOO excited! We took her to Church and she was put on the roll in Sunday School, just like Baby Jane (her groovy girl).

Family picture on the front steps of Mama and Daddy's house.

My sweet baby boy. He LOVES his Mama!

We definitely named him right. He is a Triplett for sure. I think he looks just like my granddaddy Moses. I would give anything for him to see Trip.

Here is the entire "wrecking crew" as we call them. All the cousins anxiously awaiting an Easter Egg hunt!

Front Row: Chloe, Elanor, Trip, Lila Rose, Maggie Grace.

Second row: Kellynn, Parker, and Nicolas.